KCPRO (Kids Championship Power Racing Organization) originated in 1987 in Thief River Falls, Minnesota. At that time, the club consisted of 18-20 race families traveling from the Iron Range to Thief River Falls. Because travel was so widespread, in 1991, the club opted to divide into East and West divisions. This prompted the official creation of KCPRO-East, a non-profit youth ice racing organization.
Today, our mission remains the same: teach youth, ages 4-17, snowmobile safety while also encouraging friendship, good sportsmanship and family fun. Presently, the club offers ten racing classes from Beginner 120 to Junior Novice. Our season begins at the beginning of January and runs through the middle of March.
Our competetive ice oval races take place throughout Northeastern Minnesota. At the end of each race event, a celebratory ceremony is held during which each racer receives awards and goodie bags.